Tag Archives: design

Now In 3D!

3D is all the rage. Again. I personally find it difficult to sit through a 3D movie without way too much eyestrain but people seem to enjoy it so more multidimensional movies are being made and the process is creeping into our homes with 3D TVs and video games. But being an old-school kind of guy (I have yet to buy a cell phone. I am waiting for them to catch on…), I remember with fondness the red and blue glasses of my youth. They came in comic books and magazines and they turned those weirdly colored pictures into an adventure. Those old anaglyph images have regained their “cool” so I have been fooling around with converting some 2D photos into 3D. I would like to bring 3D creation into the classroom somehow but I am still working out the details.

I thought I might share some of the results from my little experiment. One little detail. You need some red/blue glasses to see the 3D effect. The pictures are 2D conversions and are the result of my very first efforts. I intend to refine my skills but these aren’t so terrible…Feel free to offer tips or tricks or to just be critical.


First we'll take Manhattan...

2D to 3D conversion.

Took this picture on the way home one day.

2d to 3d conversion.

2D to 3D conversion.

2D To 3D Conversion

Let me know if they work or don’t work.

10 More of the Best DVD Covers…

OK. Last April I wrote a  post about movies and theaters and DVDs.  I had NO idea how it would be received. But for some reason, it became the most read post of my seldom seen little blog. Not a day goes by without getting at least one hit on the post and I have always meant to revisit this topic so…here are ten more of the best examples of DVD cover art I have seen.

Disclaimers and Explanations

This is about cover art. And it is about certain design aspects that I like. I haven’t seen many of these movies so the inclusion of a cover is not an endorsement of the movie. It just means that I like the cover.

Several of the covers come from the Criterion Collection. Criterion has been around since 1984. According to their Mission Statement the Criterion Collection is “a continuing series of important classic and contemporary films, has been dedicated to gathering the greatest films from around the world and publishing them in editions that offer the highest technical quality and award-winning, original supplements.” Basically, great movies presented in the best way possible. Their cover art represents the best in the industry. In fact, finding great cover art at Criterion becomes a matter of picking one or two at random. No matter what you pick, they’ll be great.

So, in no particular order, here are the latest 10 covers.

The People Speak

I know nothing about this movie. I just love the angular aspect of it. The red stripe stands out also.

Bad Girls

I know its just a compilation DVD, but the cover has a very cool retro thing going for it.

Two-Lane Blacktop

From Criterion. I love the photograph, the color, the font and layout. Did I miss anything?

Hellboy II

I don’t even know if this cover was printed or sold in North America. I just know that I like it.

Band of Brothers

Coming on the heels of the success of Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers is simply the best mini-series ever made. The cover is pretty great too.

Paris Texas

From Criterion. This might be one of my all time favorites.

The Best of Star Trek TOS

A new set of DVDs. They are using design cues from the Star Trek Movie posters. It works.

The Navy vs The Night Monsters

This movie is from 1966. The cover art is the original poster. Painted covers are a lot of fun and this one has everything. Monsters, heroes, ingenues in ripped dresses and nukes.

The Dark Knight

Hey… It’s Batman. In front of a building that’s on fire. On fire. In the shape of the Bat Signal.

A Serious Man

I don’t know a thing about this movie. I do like the cover though.

These are the best for now. Please feel free to send me more. And make a comment.